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Your Advocate for Cost-Effective

Precision-Managed P&A Services

Plug It Right the First Time

With over 36 years of experience, Plugged Right Consulting provides consulting services for plugging and abandoning oil & gas wells. From regulatory filing through well site supervision, we are your on-site advocate ensuring all plugs are set properly, saving you both time and money with accurate daily and final contractor costs.

Introducing our law firm

Complete P&A Management Consulting Services

Land and Offshore GOM & Bays

As an operator faced with the plugging of abandoned oil or gas wells, the misdirection and vagueness of information within that industry can be daunting. Your goal is that the wells be properly plugged but done so as economically and as safely as possible.  Plugged Right Consulting seeks to be your partner in fulfilling that goal.


PRC is driven by efficiency, clear communication, and accuracy.  Working directly with the various contractors on your behalf, we provide in-depth knowledge and solutions when downhole situations arise, ensure that cement plugs are set properly, and that work is performed in a safe manner.  By providing accurate daily and final costs, our service protects you from the overcharging which often occurs with plugging operations.


The Problem

Plugging and abandoning a well is low on the priority list of an oil & gas company; it is a significant cash outlay with zero return on investment. P&A deliberations are often last-minute and only become a priority to avoid negative consequences and fines. The follow-thru is then passed off to an already overloaded production engineer to manage and oversee.  

The Solution

PRC provides knowledgeable onsite supervision freeing your personnel to focus on their normal workload. We become your advocate to ensure you aren’t being taken advantage of, no corners are cut, and most importantly, the well is ”Plugged Right” and operations are conducted safely. PRC saves you money by eliminating the excessive charges that are prevalent in this market.

What You Can Expect

Preparation & Approval

Preparation and submission of necessary state agency documents including current freshwater strata depth letter, proposed plugging schedule, and current & proposed WBD’s.

Bidding Process

Prepare data package and Secure bids from reputable P&A rig contractors. Discuss results & recommendations with client

On-Site Supervision

 Providing on-site supervision throughout entire P&A operation to ensure all plugs are properly set and operations are conducted safely.

Site Reclamation

Oversee NORM Survey. Request bids for salvage equipment & well-site reclamation. Oversee removal of salvage equipment & well-site reclamation

Cost Effective, Timely and Reliable Services

We only work for the oil and gas operator, our client, with no financial ties to rig contractors or any other third party services. PRC provides knowledgeable onsite supervision through all plugging and abandonment operations, with detailed daily reporting, so you have documentation on all plugs set, as well as accurate daily and cumulative costs, eliminating questionable future invoices.

Having worked with Greg extensively over the past 10+ years I can attest to Greg’s quality of work, professionalism, and reliability.  Greg successfully researched, permitted, engineered, and executed 200+ well, facility, and pipeline abandonments for me over the years (at multiple prior operating companies) and comes highly recommended to handle any future abandonment activities.

Paul Larson, VP Petroleum Engineering

Navajo Nation Oil & Gas

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