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Plugged Right Services

Hands on management. Delivering exceptional outcomes with proven efficient and cost-effective solutions for plugging and  abandonment operations.

Plugging & Abandonment:  The Typical Process Vs. The Process including PRC

Plugging and abandoning a well is low on the priority list of an oil & gas company; it is a significant cash outlay with zero return on investment. P&A deliberations are often last-minute and only become a priority to avoid negative consequences and fines. The follow-thru is then passed off to an already overloaded production engineer to manage and oversee.  


The process involves numerous steps, including the following: 

  • Preparation of state regulatory documents

  • Soliciting bids from various rig contractors

  • Scheduling for onsite supervision to ensure that the selected contractor plugs the well per the approved state permit.  


However, with an overburdened company representative, many things can be overlooked. Rig Contractors are known to take advantage of this situation by padding rig hours for their profit, or worse, eliminating some plugs altogether to accommodate their next client’s schedule. 


PRC steps in from the very beginning to manage the entire P&A process: 

  • Preparing all state regulatory documents

  • Bidding out the work to reputable rig contractors

  • Preparing an AFE and procedure for you to send out for partner approval


Once operations begin, PRC provides knowledgeable onsite supervision through all plugging and abandonment operations, with detailed daily reporting, so you have documentation on all plugs set, as well as accurate daily and cumulative costs, eliminating questionable future invoices. PRC becomes your advocate to ensure you aren’t being taken advantage of, no corners are cut, and most importantly, the well is ”Plugged Right” and operations are conducted safely. PRC saves you money by eliminating the excessive charges that are prevalent in this market. As your representative, PRC frees your personnel to focus on their normal workload.

PRC has no connections to any service companies. Our only allegiance is to you, our client.

When you engage us to act on your behalf, PRC will begin the process by:

Preparation & Submission

• Prepare Current Wellbore Diagram (WBD)

• Prepare Current Groundwater Protection Letter and submit to proper state

agency on your behalf

• Prepare Proposed Plugging Schedule and submit to proper state agency on your


• Prepare Proposed WBD once Proposed Schedule has been approved

• Prepare Well Data Package for rig contractor bidding process (approved

Plugging Schedule Permit, current & proposed WBD’s, and Procedure)

Secure Bids & Begin On-Site Supervision

• Secure bids from reputable P&A rig contractors based on data package and discuss results and recommendation with the client

• Prepare Final AFE for you to submit to partners

• Notify regulatory district before plugging operations. Keep district updated

throughout plugging operations

• Provide On-site supervision throughout entire P&A operation to ensure all plugs

are properly set and operations are conducted safely


of Site


• Oversee and witness NORM survey for all tubulars and salvage equipment before

removed from the location

• Request bids for all salvage equipment left on the well-site (inclusive of

trucking). You may then make a better-informed decision on whether to sell or

retain tubulars and surface equipment left on location

• On-site supervision for the removal of all equipment

• Secure bids for reclamation of well-site including leveling, disking and seeding

• On-site supervision for site reclamation

The Next Steps...

 36 Years of Oil & Gas Experience

Request a Consultation

Ready to save money and time? With Plugged Right Consulting we are with you every step of the way, ensuring your satisfaction and advocating for a timely, cost-effective and precise management of all your plugging  commitments.

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